Milk Report The Flim

We are very excited to announce that tickets are now on sale for the premiere of Milk Report, a short film by artists Conway & Young, at the Scarborough Film Festival.

Adapted from an original publication of the same name, Milk Report explores the politics and economics of care through the lens of feeding a baby, and the 720 hours Young spent doing so over a 6-month period. The film focuses on the improvised, chaotic, interdependent and messy nature of reproductive labour.

The screening will be hosted by Crescent Arts at Woodend Gallery, Scarborough, followed by an 'in conversation' session with Feed curator Elaine Speight, Jen Conway and Jessy Young and a tour of the current Crescent Arts exhibition, which has also been developed in collaboration with Feed.

Ticket price includes a vegan milkshake. Book your ticket here


Milk & Blankets